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Hello and thanks for visiting my Handmade nursery decor site, where I focus mainly on custom designed baby mobiles.

Feel free to browse around my shop, to find a perfect baby mobile for that little one on the way. If you do not find one right away, I am more than happy to design one with you. Pop me an email with a rough idea, (or an “I have no idea”) and I will do the rest.

When I designed my first baby mobile for my daughter, it kept her dazzled and amused, while I disappeared to make that much needed cuppa! Nothing is sweeter than hearing the coo’s and oo’s from her little room while the kettle is boiling (the kettle noise is pretty sweet too, I wont lie). All my mobiles are created with mommy, daddy, caregiver and baby in mind. I have been there, so I know just how hard those early stages can be. I found my mobile helped a lot with that, and wanted to share them with others!

Whilst decorating my daughters’ room, before she was born, I struggled to find a mobile that I liked and one that fitted in with her nursery themes and colours. Since it’s the center piece of a nursery, I really wanted it exactly as I pictured. Obviously it was not possible to buy one from a store. I thought maybe other parents-to-be struggle with the same thing? After many compliments on my first baby mobile (apart from my mom), I decided to open this little shop and I could not be more grateful that I did! All my customers have had so many great stories to share, and I get to work on so many different themes and ideas, so it really keeps my creative side alive.

All my products are 100% designed, cut and handsewn by me, and made with much love and attention to detail.

🐤 Happy shopping 🐤[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column]

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